Bronx Opioid Collective Impact Project featured in Crain’s Health Pulse Newsletter By: Jennifer Henderson · Health Care Reporter | October 13, 2020 Outreach workers with the Acacia Network's Bronx Opioid…

Rooted in the Community Since 1969
Rooted in the Community Since 1969
Bronx Opioid Collective Impact Project featured in Crain’s Health Pulse Newsletter By: Jennifer Henderson · Health Care Reporter | October 13, 2020 Outreach workers with the Acacia Network's Bronx Opioid…
Yaberci Perez-Cubillan, Acacia’s Senior VP of Behavioral Health & Service Integration, Elected to Serve at the National Council Board The National Council for Behavioral Health, which serves as the primary…
In Solidarity with the Black Community Another life has been taken senselessly. Last week, George Floyd was murdered by Minneapolis police officers after they detained him for reasons that remain…
Bronx Times Story By Jason Cohen [originally posted on May 13, 2020] Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. has issued a new report outlining the environment the borough’s housing nonprofit…
Loisaida Inc. Announces Line-Up for its 2020 [Virtual] Loisaida Festival Streaming Live on Sunday, May 24 and Sunday, May 31 Honoring its 30-year tradition, Loisaida Inc. –the oldest Puerto Rican…